Find your rate 

Rate In person ticket
(2 days)
Online ticket
RCP members and fellows £450 £300
RCP members (resident doctors, SAS and retired doctors)
£190 £100
RCP members (students) £110 £70
Non members £650 £450
Non members (resident doctors, SAS and retired doctors) £290 £170
Non members (students) £180


Please note that you must be a healthcare professional, work in healthcare or study medicine or a related field to attend this event.

‘Resident doctor’ refers to foundation doctors 1+2, IMT doctors 1+2+3, specialty registrars (ST4+) and locally employed doctors employed on similar terms and conditions to those in training programmes (sometimes known as F3 doctors, clinical fellows, senior clinical fellows or trust grade doctors).

If the resident doctor rate is not available during the booking journey, please contact us so we can manually process your booking. 

Discounts are available on request for those on maternity/paternity leave and/or are LTFT.
Please note that if you attend in person, your ticket also includes online access to the conference platform until 2 September 2025.